In the section "Wicca today in the CIS" (+) you will find a brief history of Wicca and Pagan Witchcraft in Russia and the CIS.
Stellar Craft - is the conditional name of the mix of the two ways, Stellar Witchcraft and Stellar Hekateane.
Articles about our tradition and Wicca in general.
Coven "The Spirit of the Goddess".
Inspired seekers of the eternal paths of pagan witchcraft. Wanderers of the Spirit, boldly walking both into the starlight and into the interstellar darkness. Beloveds of the Eternal Mother.
The translation may be partially inaccurate, sorry. We're working on it. Unfortunately, most of our articles are in Russian. I think one of our translators will take it up.
But you may well help the Yandex-translator, it translates better Russian language than Google - https://translate.yandex.ru/?lang=en-ru
Blessed be.

The Precepts of the Way of Stellar Witchcraft.
The general exposition of mythology and the way of tradition is expressed in the Manifesto of the Way. Here is a brief reflection of the essence of what a witch should remember in the flow of Stellar Witchcraft.
- The Path of Stellar Witchcraft is a mystery tradition, the Witchcraft of the Upper World Stream, the priesthood of the Mother of Creation. It is part of the shamanic-witchcraft Old Craft of the Wise and Wiccan Witchcraft, originating in the neolithic cults of the Great Mother.
- We honor the Great Goddess and God, many-faced and eternal, represented in the tradition as the Great Mother of the Universe and the Star Dragon. As well as the Star spirits – the Great spirits of the Upper World and various good nature spirits. Each witch can have their own images of Them (except for the demonized ones).
- We practice good witchcraft and the shamanism of the way of the Wise. We strive to be ethical and against cruelty or violence. But they are quite free to defend themselves against someone else's aggression.
- We see our coven, circles, and tradition as a spiritual family and strive for "perfect love and perfect trust." We love, respect and support our sisters and brothers by tradition. And we recognize that they can all be different. We are against deliberate harm to each other. We are against conflicts with brothers and sisters, this is not close to the Star spirits.
- We try to be one with Nature and the universe. We recognize spiritual evolution and strive for the development of the spirit. We respect natural forces and spirits. We recognize that life is sacred. So is love, and so is good magic.
- The main essence of our path is self-development. The self-development of the spirit, mind, and body is almost infinite. It leads to heaven.
- We remember that the essence of the Stellar Stream in our tradition is the energy of the Upper Worlds (Star Spheres) manifested on Earth. We learn to hear it correctly, to act wisely, and to live in harmony.
- We honor the Manifesto of the Way of Stellar Witchcraft.
Blessed be.
Victor Aradia, High Priest of the Way.
The Path Manifest.
Summary of the Creed and the Way of Stellar Witchcraft.
1) We believe in the Great Mother of the Universe, the Source of All Things. From which came the Goddess and the God, and all the other Gods, who are the faces of the Great Goddess and God.
2) We are witches. Witchcraft in our understanding is the path of unity with the Universe, harmony and self-development, healing and wisdom.
3) We believe that Witchcraft, otherwise called Wicca or the shamanic-witchcraft Old Craft of the Wise, has its roots in the ancient neolithic cults of the Great Goddess and is directly derived from them.
4) We recognize the existence of a spirit world that is very vast and with which witches can interact or even be spiritually related.
5) We strive to master witchcraft (shamanism) as the natural essence of the soul. Our path of witchcraft is connected to the Upper World (the Star Spheres).
6) We promote the existence of the Old Craft of the Wise by teaching the seekers and the worthy - those who are close to the Craft.
7) We are against attacking the innocent, we honor the witches Creed. Although we have every right to defend ourselves against foreign aggression.
8) We observe harmony and strive for spiritual evolution. We recognize the bisexuality of the soul, magic and energy, the unity of everything. But we never follow black demonized paths or practice evil magic.
9) We do not recognize any authority over us, free witches, except the will of the Great Gods. We recognize the witches of our tradition as our sisters and brothers, and we will never harm our own.
10) We recognize Love as the main path and religion. We strive for compassion, mercy, and peace. We recognize love as sacred in all its manifestations (if it is without violence).
11) We remain true to our own beliefs and avoid things that oppose everything good that is in us, or are harmful to us. We preserve free will and respect it in others.
12) We respect and honor Nature and the Earth, Gods and spirits, we strive for a life in balance with the World. We are against violence and cruelty. We maintain a spiritual and magical balance – Earth and Sky, Starlight and Interstellar darkness.
13) We always follow the Flow and Spirit of the path of Stellar Witchcraft. Our hearts are always open to the Great Mother and Her good path.
In the name of the Mother of the Universe.
Be blessed.
Victor Aradia, High Priest of the Way.
Stellar Witchcraft is one of the Wiccan traditions (while maintaining its independence), refers to the pagan shamanic-witchcraft Old Craft. You can read more about the tradition in the projects of the "Spirit of the Goddess".
Stellar Witchcraft. Social ethics of tradition.
1) We recognize that the Path of Spirit and Craft is more important than all and any of our possible social differences and differences. We are brothers and sisters on the path of the Spirit, even though we may all be different. Everything social and human (any ideology, any problems, etc.) is temporary and transitory. We can empathize and strive to help, but our social (and socio-political) beliefs should not divide us and come first when communicating witches traditions with each other.
2) We recognize the freedom of our brothers and sisters in social (and socio-political) beliefs, but they should not be radical, committed with the help of cruelty.
3) We recognize for each other the right of the witch tradition to bind (witchishly) cruel representatives of any social views and ideas. This should not be a hindrance to unity in the tradition (on the Stellar Stream).
4) We recognize Stellar Witchcraft (and Stellar Hekateane, for those close to her) as primarily a mystical tradition of witchcraft and Wiccan shamanism, the Heavenly Way of the Great Craft of the Wise. Any social ideas are neutral to the tradition (except for openly violent and aggressive ones, in any form, which we do not immediately support).
5) Under witchcraft and shamanism, we understand the path of spiritual, magical and personal self-development, in harmony between the worlds of people and spirits, in unity with the Universe. The knowledge and wisdom of the Upper World manifested through us and for us.
6) We recognize a witch (shaman, priest, practitioner) as a neutral term for a person who practices magic and follows a spiritual path. For witches of the way of Stellar Witchcraft, there is a separate terminology in the tradition.
7) We may be souls from different worlds, but in this incarnation we are also children of the Mother Earth, so we love Her. And we support everyone as best we can. But we do not force our other brothers and sisters to support "more" or "less", each manifests himself as best he can.
8) Despite the fact that everyone is on their own level of the path to Heaven, we are all one as wanderers of Eternity, children of the Starry Spheres (the Upper World).
9) All your works (texts, drawings, etc.) as witches or priests of the tradition and relative to the tradition, are offerings to the Star Spirits and the Stream, they remain in the tradition even if you have left it. By analogy with offerings to Spirits in Nature. But the senior priesthood of the tradition reserves the right to partially edit, delete, publish and freely use your materials, in order to more harmoniously integrate them into the tradition. The authorship will be indicated or not indicated, depending on your desire (if you leave the tradition - your decision at the time of release).
10) We are close to our brothers and sisters by tradition, we honor and respect our priests, founders, great witches of the past, and each other. But we are free and do not accept the primacy of other traditions, orders, or organizations of the pagan and magical community. We recognize the freedom of all witches and do not support the idea of any single and centralized institutions of the priesthood in the Craft, as potentially dogmatic and domineering. The loving power of the Goddess and God cannot be despotic and cruel, at its core.
11) We honor the Precepts of the Way and the Manifesto of the Way as reflecting our views and worldview, our Way.
For the benefit of those who know the ways of the Mother of the World. Standing on the Ground, aspires to the Heavens.
Victor Aradia.
Providence of the Great Mother.
Every life is sacred. It is given by the very Mother of All Things. No one and nothing has the right to take it away just like that. Natural witches, like those who from ancient times were the first healers, sages and seers, keep and remember Her precepts. Love should be the basis of any spiritual path, magical teaching, philosophical or religious structure, etc. All souls are connected to each other in a single network by the Great Spirit. But it is also worth remembering that this does not cancel your right to self-defense at all. Your life has every right to survive. Therefore, the ancient hunters, when killing game, always apologized and thanked the spirit of the animal for the fact that they could continue to live thanks to him. And some eastern martial arts schools demanded that rivals respect each other. Which is not easy to find in modern times, unfortunately.
Remember, Divine Light contains Divine Darkness, and vice versa. The feminine encloses the masculine, and vice versa. At the same time, everything comes from one Source, the Beginning of Everything, the Great Spirit, the Mother of the Universe. It's just that everyone chooses what is closer to him. Different facets of a crystal do not mean different essence, because it is still one crystal. It just looks different. It is like a process of Great Work and eternal development, in occultism and alchemy, of moving away from duality that prevents one from seeing the perfection of the Divine and knowing one's own integrity. Unity of consciousness and subconsciousness. So it is in a metaphysical sense. That does not prevent us from using the convenience of separation in the physical sense.
The Mysteries of the Way - Sky.
And at the very end, behind everything passing and temporary, in the very depths of us, behind all the external tinsel of rituals, degrees, initiations, traditions and magical and social knowledge, behind all this empty pathos of ego ambitions, only one thing remains - love for the Mother. In all Eternity. The love of the human soul for the World Soul. In unity with the whole World, the unity of the Spirit with the Great Spirit. This is our true self, our true strength. Having found it in yourself, you will feel the whole universe in yourself. If you are really conscious and wise. If you are able to observe Infinity in peace.
The Mysteries of the Way - Earth.
We are the Earth - boundless from end to end; we thrive and grow, like everyone else on it.
We are Water - deep and eternal; we heal and live, just like it with its currents.
We are the Fire - powerful and fierce; enlighten, warm, and in need and burn, as he is on his way.
We are the Air - omnipresent and omniscient; we see and hear everything, as he does in his wanderings.
We are the Source Spirit and Eternity; we carry Infinity in our heart.
We were. We are. We will.
Viktor Aradia.
Stellar Witchcraft.
The mystery witch tradition (the mystery shamanic way), which can be called a fusion of natural Wiccan witchcraft, celestial (white) shamanism, and priestcraft (theurgy). This is the witchcraft of the Upper World. The two main aspects of spirituality are practicality and self-development. Harmony between the worlds of people and spirits, a Heavenly Craft embodied on Earth.
Stellar Witchcraft is not eclectic, but a full-fledged and original, probably the first (or one of the first) independent tradition of Wicca in the CIS, which went beyond one coven (the «Spirit of the Goddess»). It is based on the Wiccan concept of witchcraft and some myths. According to our tradition, they are considered as parts of the once unified Old shamanic-witchcraft Craft and the cult of the Great Goddess, which has come down to us through the centuries in different forms. Put together by us, in the tradition of Stellar Witchcraft. Its origins and origin, as we believe, are in the Upper Worlds themselves (the Star Spheres, the worlds of the Gods and the Higher Spirits). This is the basic foundation of the myth of our tradition.
But, despite its essence, almost all the texts for the foundation of the theology of the way, the structure and spirit of the tradition are authored and written by the initiated priests of the way and the founder himself (Victor Aradia). The tradition is one of the Wiccan traditions, but it has its own spirit and is completely independent and original.
This mystery tradition, aimed at self-development, unity with the Universe, harmony with Nature and the spiritual world, is focused on the connection of the soul with the Upper World and Heavenly energy. The confluence of Heaven and Earth. Unfolding the wings of the soul. As well as the spiritual closeness of winged souls, mutual respect and support-the unity of close souls.
Just as other natural pagan ways consider magic (witchcraft, shamanism) to be a manifestation of the Spirit, so the Way considers one of the fundamental factors of human self-development: personal, spiritual and magical, as well as harmony with Nature. The tradition is aimed at spiritual evolution and the disclosure of the Gift, the wings of the soul, the desire for self-development, healing and unity with the Universe.
Stellar Witchcraft is the essence of natural witchcraft, which is its next form, which elevates a person to the Stars, Spheres and the Mother of the Universe, giving fusion and unity with the Universe, harmony with the Universe.
The tradition is initiatory, but under certain conditions it also allows for self-consecration. Read more about this in the Theology of the Way topic. The decision to enter the Path must be fully conscious and free, while respecting the Precepts and Inner Credo of the Path of Stellar Witchcraft, and being friendly to the «Spirit of the Goddess».
It has a sister tradition of Stellar Hekateane, which is a fusion of Stellar Witchcraft and Hekateane priesthood.
The founder and High Priest of the tradition is Victor Aradia.
Viktor Aradia, Wiccan High Priest, founder of the "Spirit of the Goddess" coven and the traditions of Stellar Witchcraft and Stellar Hekateane. I have been studying various pagan and magical traditions for many years. The coven has external circles (in the CIS).

Symbol of Faith tradition of Stellar Witchcraft and paths of the Spirit of the Goddess.
A brief reflection of the mythological essence of the path of the tradition of Stellar Witchcraft.
1. We recognize that there is one Great Mother of the Universe in her essence - the Great Spirit, the World Soul, the Mother of all that exists; she has an infinite number of faces, She manifests herself in our love and we are all Her children and beloved. We recognize and can appeal to any Pantheon and God, but the source of our Path is always the Great Mother. The original God and Goddess originated from the Source of Everything, from the Great Mother of the Universe. We consider It in a metaphysical aspect, outside of any human stereotypes.
2. We recognize that we are witches - its sages, healers, prophets, and priests. We recognize that witchcraft (shamanism) is a good way of knowledge and wisdom, a gift from the Great Gods, and the word "witch" is bisexual (non-gender), because the soul is bisexual (non-gender).
3. We believe that before history began to be recorded, in the past, there was a long period of peace in which the Land was respected and revered, there was social equality and there were no wars. We believe that witches and shamans were priests and priestesses of the Great Goddess. Traces of this culture have been preserved in various places on Earth (for example, Old Europe). This culture was slowly replaced by aggressive patriarchal groups. It is to this ancient culture that all the Old shamanic-witchcraft Craft, including Wicca, goes back.
4. We honor and respect our ancestors and spirits. Stellar Witchcraft is the next form of natural witchcraft, which elevates a person to the Starry Spheres and the Mother of the Universe, giving harmony with the Universe and the unfolding of the wings of the spirit. It comes from the Great spirits of the Upper World, the Stellar spirits-the patrons of all shamanic-witchcraft Craft.
5. We strive to protect our interests and those of our brothers and sisters by mastering witchcraft (shamanism): the art of blessing, protecting, healing, learning, and reconnecting with the wisdom rooted in our soul, the spark of the Great Mother.
6. We are against hitting and attacking the innocent. We do not intentionally harm anyone unless it is to prevent harm to us or others. We know that the Star Spirits are against us deliberately harming our brothers and sisters, and we do not harm our own.
7. We always maintain a spiritual and magical balance. We recognize that every soul strives for spiritual evolution, for the Starry heavens, and for the return to the Great Mother. Therefore, we follow the Path of natural witchcraft and harmony with the World. We don't use Craft to gain power. We do not follow the black ways and do not practice evil magic, because it leads to the de-evolution of the Spirit. We are not trying to discredit the Ancient Way.
8. We always promote the continuation of the Old Craft of the Wise and the Way of the Goddess by teaching those whom we consider worthy and who are interested in this way.
9. We do not recognize any authority over us except that of the Gods. We cooperate with others, but we never serve others, and we always preserve our honor.
10. We try to be compassionate to others and know what is in the hearts and minds of others.
We recognize that Love, true and unconditional, is the only way and religion.
11. We will always be true to our own beliefs and avoid things that oppose everything good that is in us, or are harmful to us. We learn to listen to the Stream of the tradition of Stellar Witchcraft.
12. We show respect for everything that exists in Nature and the universe. We never destroy or damage anything: we live in harmony with Nature, for the ways of Nature are our own ways. We consider acts of Love, including sex, to be sacred.
13. We are always open in our hearts and minds to the Great Mother of the Universe, who created all that is, as well as to our brothers and sisters in the Stellar Craft.
In the name of the Goddess.
Viktor Aradia, F.
The tradition is part of Wiccan witchcraft, but has its own Spirit. For good.

Stellar Hekateane.
The Stellar Hekateane is part of the great and multi-faceted ancient cult of Hekate, its heavenly and luminous face. It can also be considered a part, a sister branch, of the tradition of Stellar Witchcraft (Wiccan witchcraft, shamanism, and the priesthood of the Upper World Stream).
We can say that the heavenly (cosmic) or "Wiccan" view of Hekate - the Mother of the World, the World Soul. Wicca is seen here as an old natural witchcraft. Just as we are familiar with the view of Sorita D'Este from the «Covenant of Hekate». The Wiccan view, here, is not meant as "Crone", but as "The Great Mother". The light of Her torches, the Holy Flame of Heaven. The blessing of the Great Mother.
Our tradition is considered heavenly because, according to our views, the Upper World and its physical manifestation, the Starry spheres (the Cosmos, in fact), unite all the worlds. And also, we believe that initially the soul strives for the Source, the Heavens. And not because we deny the earthly and subterranean manifestations of the Goddess. We consider and respect all aspects of the Great Mother, and are quite familiar with Her various images. And we maintain a balance between Earth and Sky, Starlight and Interstellar darkness. But in the spirit of our tradition, we do not accept that which brings to the cult the cruelty and demonization of pagan witchcraft and priesthood (theurgy). The goddess is all-encompassing and omnipotent, many-faced and one, light and dark, heavenly and chthonic, gentle and severe, there are many versions of Her origin - She comes out to everyone in her own way (and it depends only on the person and consciousness of the person). We believe that the Divine Darkness (along with the Divine Light) and the human blackness of thoughts are different things that should not be confused. We do not impose our vision on anyone, but we are not obliged to accept someone else's into our own. Everyone comes out to the spirit of the Goddess in such a way as his consciousness, life experience and perception of the world.
Each witch of the tradition can refer to different aspects of the Goddess, but excluding the demonized ones (since we do not see them as necessary for the development of the spirit, plus for the most part they are human distortions, not Divine), maintaining the general view of "The World Soul is the Great Mother", preserving the Wiccan ethics, respecting the views of their spiritual brothers — sisters, and honoring the precepts of the tradition itself. This issue is discussed in more detail already within the tradition between practitioners, with the priesthood, or in part, can be found in our articles.
The mystical witchcraft path is built on the basis of the theology of Stellar Witchcraft (but somewhat different in the Flow and having a focus specifically on Hekate) and Hekateane. On those faces of It that can be conditionally called "cosmic" - the World Soul and the Great Mother. The light of Her great heavenly flame, the blessing of the Great Mother.
A brief Manifesto of the path of the Stellar Hekateane.
Those who know the ways of the World Soul.
1) We believe in Hecate as the World Soul, we see Her as the Mother of All Things, many-faced, boundless and incomprehensible.
2) We turn to the merciful and loving faces of Hecate in Her stream of the Upper World. We believe that there is already too much suffering in the world to bring it even more by doing something destructive.
3) We do not deny the non-dark, non-light side of Hecate, we are in balance. Starlight and Interstellar darkness.
4) We are the witches, priests and priestesses of Hecate, the guides of the light of Her torches to the World.
5) We honor the Ancient shamanic-witchcraft Craft and respect the Credo of witches. We are mystics, not dogmatists.
6) We recognize the extra-gendered nature of the soul, magic and energy, the unity of all things — like the unity and self-sufficiency of Hecate herself. Infinite is the incomprehensible diversity of Hecate, beyond any boundaries of human stereotypes.
7) We are against violence and destructive magic, we believe that the main postulate of the Mother is Love. But we are quite free to defend ourselves against outher aggression.
8) We do not recognize any authority over us, except the will of Mother Hecate. We recognize the witches of our tradition as our sisters and brothers. We know that the Mother is against us deliberately harming each other and we do not harm our own. But in times of need, we can defend ourselves or provide support.
9) We remain true to our beliefs and avoid things that oppose everything good that is in us, or are harmful to us. We preserve free will and respect it in others.
10) We respect and honor Nature and the Earth, Gods and spirits, we strive for a life in balance with the World.
11) We strive for spiritual evolution, self-development and unity with Mother Hecate, we try to bring the light of Her Craft to the World, enlightenment and healing. We turn to all the faces of Hecate, except the demonized ones - since these are not Divine, but human distortions.
12) We recognize ourselves as witches of Star Witchcraft, for these two paths are one, although they are partially different.
13) We always follow the Flow and Spirit of the Star Craft Path, we are loyal to it. Our heart is always open to the Great Mother, Her good path.
And may the light of Her torches be with us. Blessed be you, brothers and sisters on your Mother's side.
Viktor Aradia.
The Mysteries of the Way - Hekate.
Hekate is a very multifaceted Deity. It is eternal and powerful, but at the same time subtle and sensitive. Titan and Goddess, Deity and Eternal Mother of Everything. It is all-encompassing and comprehensive. She is starlight and interstellar darkness, the earthly elements and Eternity itself. She is Top and Bottom, male and female, all at once and outside of everything. It enters into all worlds and paths, in fact It is all paths. A Great World Soul. It is self-sufficient and contains everything in itself. And She teaches this to those who really follow Her ways, are aware of it and are ready for it. Who is open with consciousness to the Universe. Who is pure in spirit and mind, heart and thoughts. Who is winged by the soul and in whose eyes are the heavens. Those who manifest It through themselves and become one with It. Those who are ready to carry the light of Her torches along the way. Who in spirit and mind are Her flame. But at the same time, he stands firmly and consciously on the Ground. Who is aware of responsibility and wisdom. Who is ready and not a beginner. Who is one soul with the World Soul, realized the source of the spirit - mercy and justice, peacefulness and knowledge.
For at the very end, behind everything passing and temporary, in the very depths of us, behind all the external tinsel of rituals, degrees, initiations, traditions, magical and social knowledge, behind all this empty pathos of ego ambitions, there remains only one thing - love for the Mother. In all Eternity. The love of the human soul for the World Soul. In unity with the whole World, the unity of the spirit with the Great Spirit. This is our true self, our true strength. Having found it in yourself, you will feel the whole universe in yourself. If you are really conscious and wise, if you are ready and stand firmly on your feet (grounded and experienced). If you are able to observe Infinity in peace.
Viktor Aradia.
For more information about Stellar Witchcraft and Stellar Hekateane - see my book. Here is rather a brief introductory information.

Wicca - is an Old Craft if the Wise. The basics of natural witchcraft.
Wicca is a very old shaman-witchy tradition. Natural witchcraft, dating back to the ancient Neolithic cults of the Mother Goddess and the first shamanic communities, in rock paintings and crafts of which images of the Great Mother and the Horned God, animal people, and so on are manifested. Basically, when talking about such finds, they most often consider the territory called Old Europe, but they have a much wider area and cover many lands. And many people have written about the Great Mother, from Jung himself, various anthropologists and researchers to mystics and philosophers of all times.
Currently, Wicca has many different currents (traditions). Also called differently: The Craft of the Wise, the Old Religion or the Cult of Witches (one of the old names). It differs from many other witchy and pagan traditions by the Wiccan Credo of witches: "Do what you want, but do no harm", as well as by faith in the Threefold law of energy return, reincarnation and a pair of primordial Great Gods (the Great Mother Goddess and the Horned God, the rest of the Gods are the essence, faces and hypostases of the Goddess and God, and in general, the Mother of the Universe as a Great Spirit or World Soul, the Source). They are usually distinguished by the desire for high moral and ethical qualities, peacefulness, free morality (if it does not harm anyone), understanding the importance of the primacy of wisdom over power and applied spirituality. Although not everyone can accept it or take it to extremes and you can sometimes meet a variety of people, calling yourself a "Wiccan" does not automatically make a person wise (Wicca is good, but Wiccan should not be idealized).
Wicca is much more than just a religion or a religious-occult tradition. Much deeper than social currents and any archetypes. Anyone and everyone can become a witch by worldview or socio-religious choice, now it is even becoming fashionable (unfortunately or fortunately, who knows how). But a witch in the essence of the spirit, along the ancient path of magic, walking between the worlds of people and spirits, by calling to a Great Craft – you can only become hard work, constant development and the desire to walk next to the Gods.
But Wicca is not just witchcraft in itself, it is spiritual witchcraft. What is called the religion of witches. Despite the current variety of currents (sometimes radically different from each other and going who where), it is based on the forces of the Earth, Moon and Sun, on the connection of each witch, Wiccan magician with natural spirits and Deities. For a pagan, the Gods are parents, spiritual mentors. Each soul is connected with the World Soul (the Mother of the World), the soul of the natural witch is aware and feels it.
Paganism in Wicca is understood as a whole, and not as a tradition of any particular people. This is akin to animism, historically the proto-culture of humanity. Witchcraft is international and ubiquitous. Individual Wiccans and Wiccan traditions can take any Gods (except warlocks) into their pantheons. Wicca was recently rediscovered to the world by the respected witch Gerald Gardner from the old witch covens found by him and initiated into them, and has once again spread throughout the Earth (after centuries of being in the shadows). There are many different traditions and trends in it, with sometimes very different views on the Craft. And even the Wiccan views of our days are a little different from the views of Gardner's time, it's natural, everything is developing. We understand it this way: every tradition, direction or coven attracts those who are closest in outlook and flow, interested and close souls.
The word "witch" in Wicca is non-gender, a practice or a craft in general, it is widely used by the world pagan community (although you will not find any self-names sometimes).
It is worth mentioning that not all witchcraft, or even more so paganism and shamanism, is Wicca. There are many traditions and ways of witchcraft that have nothing to do with Wicca or are related to it in so far. Plus, not all non-Wiccan or near-Wiccan traditions recognize the Creed. There are a lot of different New Age esotericism, traditions of non-magical witchcraft began to appear (where the witch is no longer a practitioner associated with the spirit world, but something purely socio-psychological or an "icon" of some fashion and trends, which is very strange), ethnic shamanism stands apart, etc.
By shamanism in this book, I do not mean any particular direction of any people, but a general phenomenon in general, it is worth remembering. Closer to the Old European cult of the Great Mother. As in the case of natural witchcraft and Wiccan shamanism, it is international. Sometimes they say urban shamanism, sometimes with a hint of Celtic. He can practice equally successfully regardless of the geographical location or nationality of the practitioner, if he is able to tune in with local (terrestrial) and global (celestial) forces. This is almost as old and unified as animism - the very first kind of human spirituality.
Natural witchcraft existed long before the emergence of any form of ceremonial magic, long before any kind of ethnic paganism, long before the distortion of pagan Deities by demonized images. As the very first form of human spirituality and practical interaction with the World. When a person directly interacted with the forces of Nature and the Spirit world, he was one with them. The direct heir and successor of this is Wicca. This is a great heritage passing through the millennia with invisible threads, the heritage of Ancestors and Ancient Spirits, the source and essence of all the Art of the Wise.
Natural witches usually do not use demonized magic associated with the derivatives of the Abrahamic egregors (including various orders), because it connects the true power of the human spirit and its freedom. And paganism is understood not as the view of any particular ethnic tradition, but as the heritage of all mankind, a set of knowledge and practices. Ethnocentricity happens, but not often, both in elective Wicca, and in many (but not all) her traditions.
Natural pagan witchcraft is the most primitive form of any magic or spiritual-magical system. It is based on the forces of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun, on the connection of each witch or shaman with natural and celestial spirits, Deities. For a pagan, the Gods are wise and omniscient parents, spiritual mentors. Each soul is connected with the World Soul (the Mother of the World), the witch's soul is aware and feels it.
Witchcraft traditions have always been eclectic. Despite periodic orthopraxies or orthodoxies in some of them, it has never been rigidly dogmatic in practice. An eclectic and insightful moment has always been and will be. Practices and moments from different cultures and cults that turned out to be close and well easy on the flow of tradition, personal flow or personal strength.
Much of the Old Craft of the wise ones in charge of the Great Mother has been distorted over the centuries of being in hiding, during times of persecution and severe trials, when the main task was survival. Despite the popular medieval superstitions and distortions of the era of double-belief (paganism, mixed with Abrahamic myths and demonized), sometimes existing to this day, pagan witchcraft is not a black book and is not associated with the devil, demons, demons and other characters of folk folklore. Witches are not negative people who cut small animals in gloomy places for petty selfish witchcraft and not pretentious magicians who summon demons for the sake of selfish ambitions. These are illusions and a departure from nature in a mistaken human attempt to conquer it. But the part cannot conquer the whole, unless it is cancer. Some believe that tough and demonized creatures were once spirits and pagan gods. And most likely it is, but there is a very important point here - do not stop and do not hang on digging into other people's negative speculations of the era of illiteracy and fanaticism. The darkness of the mind gives birth to monsters. The departure of ancient cults into the shadow area put them in a position of opposition to "official and well-behaved" forces, as if taking away these functions from them. And although it was done artificially, over time people began to get used to it and believe. It is always easier for the brain to concentrate on darker or even negative moments. Plus, if the world has been cruel to you, it's easier to lock in this part of the worldview picture. If the world gave only one indulgence, and the servants blew away the specks of dust, the person did not learn to work on himself. He may simply not be able to appreciate all the good things, considering it "the way it should be." And it is much easier to tune in to heavier energy vibrations than to high ones. In addition, a completely disgusting idea still prevails in the world, "mercy and gentleness are weakness, and rudeness and rigidity are strength." Even the magical grimoires of those eras bear many imprints of negative distortions. Practitioners of magic passed everything through the prism of their perception, formed by the time of a difficult and tough life, the Abrahamic paradigm (devilry and the like is also part of it, not pagan). This is not witchcraft, leading to the development of the spirit and oneself in the World. Perhaps it was once, but it was distorted enough to lose itself. There are less demonized and less rigid branches of the tree of the Great Shamanic-Witchy Craft of the Wise. The phrase fits well here: "paganism is not the preservation of ashes, but the inspiration of a living fire." This fire seems to be renewed every time and this is natural, there is no development without renewal. But at the same time, it is still inextricably linked with the ancient fire in the bowels of the Earth and with the eternal fire of the Heavenly bodies.
According to myths and legends, the Great Mother of Everything is the very first concept of the Divine, carried by people of power and knowledge through the centuries. It is the source and basis of everything, the very essence of the universe. The Goddess and God are Her manifestations and manifestations to living beings. In some witchcraft traditions, God is equal to the Goddess. In others, Her role is a little more. But They always remain one with each other, in each other. They are not separable from each other and it is impossible to say where the line clearly runs between Them, They are One. She is Him, and He is Her. Everyone chooses only what is closer to him. They also generate countless Spirits, Gods, Powers, and so on. In their high forms, many Gods are faces (hypostases) Goddesses and God. This is especially clearly seen on the Upper World streams. Although in more mundane manifestations, different Gods can be quite different from each other and require different approaches. This is a small paradox worth pondering. Gods and Great Spirits are bigger and larger than the preserved ideas about them in cults.
The very concept of the Mother of the Universe is metaphysical and spiritual, androgynous and non-gendered, non-human, cosmic. Some call It otherwise - the One. Therefore, It is one in both women and men, in animals, plants, stones, spirits, and so on. She is the World Soul and the Great Spirit, the Universe itself, Emptiness and Matter, Time and Timelessness, God and Goddess. Everyone sees It in their own way. The conscious spiritual connection of each being (incarnate or not) with the Goddess and God (in any of Their forms), and the World Soul, depends on the degree of awareness and development of consciousness of the being itself. Animism and panpsychism are often included in the spiritual path of a natural witch.
In the same way, natural witches honor the days of power - the Wheel of the Year, follow the Threefold law (everything that you send to the world will return three times), believe in reincarnation (or rather, they know about it) and spiritual evolution (the development of the soul in a series of rebirths from the simplest to Heavenly spirits - Gods and merging with the Universe). Some of the above can be found in many faiths around the world.
Although it is worth remembering that all witches and shamans are different, there are many subspecies and currents, different philosophies and systems of moral values. There are a huge number of shamanic and witchy currents, from national-ethnic and generic to modern urban and international. From natural-pagan to distorted-blackish. Millennia have influenced the Craft of the Wise. A large number of related currents have arisen on it, from various esotericism for beginners to ceremonial occultism, where magic, egregious religions and systems have already merged.
Although witches and shamans themselves are often also priests of various spirits, Gods or faces of the Great Mother, the priesthood began to occupy an independent niche. Like the theurgy, which was originally pagan. Although theurgy is not exactly the same as the priesthood. Rather, these are special magico-priestly practices aimed at the improvement and evolution of the spirit, communication with the Deity. And, in my opinion, this is an important part of the priesthood. Therefore, in this book I partially combine them. Witches or shamans themselves are often separated from each other by various traditions and other signs. For example: ethnic shamans and urban shamans, village witches and Wiccan witches, natural witches and ceremonial occultists, and many, many others.
It can be clarified that, despite the very term "shamanic-witchcraft" (which, by the way, was not invented by me) I still don't consider these directions to be exactly the same. There is a difference, but sometimes it is quite shaky. And in the light of the Wiccan approach, it blurs even more. A lot depends on the individual.
If we say averaged, then the difference between ethnic, generic (more common in the east) and urban, eclectic (more common in the west) types of shamanism is determined by their orientation. As well as a person's personality, the society around him, his cultural code, worldview, and so on. This may sound very generalized, but I would call generic shamanism horizontal, in its orientation, and urban vertical.
In an ethnic tradition with strong tribal roots, a practitioner of magic (shaman, healer, witch, druid, priest, and so on) is often tied to his land and has responsibilities to his family and others, one way or another. This gives a tough force, but also great limitations.
In urban shamanism, Wiccan or other occult-witchcraft format, the practitioner has more flexible and adaptive capabilities (the exception here is orders with a pyramidal hierarchy and strict rules-dogmas or demonized traditions). This gives greater freedom of will, but often a lighter energy structure.
In the case of shamanism, I have practiced different types of it in our circles, for example: Celtic, Scandinavian (northern), Wiccan (witchy), urban, and so on. He also studied Buryat-Mongol and the mixing of shamanism with Buddhism. The closest to me were Wiccan, Celtic and partially Northern. But these are different types and facets of one single whole, in my opinion. I understand the desire of people sometimes to alienate in order to preserve their individuality. But, in my opinion, it is not lost with some competent association, and community and friendship arise.
Despite the fact that the Craft recognizes the presence of a gift for each person and the opportunity to develop it, it is worth distinguishing the esoteric from the exoteric, and the sacred from the profane. Everyone can develop strength, but not everyone is close and simple, and it is not always easy for practitioners themselves.
You can't just go and become a witch or any other practitioner of magical and spiritual traditions. Now it is fashionable to say that anyone can be a witch (magician) or even a priest (priestess) just like that, without making much effort and years of training. If it has a certain gender, genes, worldview, etc. That's not so. To unleash power is exactly the same as to develop the brain. You can have a pagan worldview, do rituals and develop in this direction. But magic is not just a social trend of modern society. This is a way of constant development and self-improvement, knowledge of the spirit world and self-knowledge. Almost anyone or everyone can really become a witch (shaman, druid, magician, theurgist, etc.), but one desire or "birthright" is not enough. Only really wanting to develop the gift, actively working in this direction, studying the world of magic and different traditions, doing constant self-development. And in the case of the priesthood, also seriously studying the cult of a close Deity, working out a connection and doing the necessary practices.
Now Wicca combines many similar paths in spirit, for example, such as: pagan natural witchcraft, shamanism (of various types, including urban), druidism, various types of pagan ethnic traditions (for example: northern, Greek, Celtic, etc.) or ceremonial magic and theurgy close to paganism. Although it is important to say that it unites on one basis, however, it is not themselves.
The world of spirits has many faces, despite the difference of images in different cultures and cults, traditions and systems around the world and at all times. Many practices and images of spirits or Gods around the world have common points that cannot be explained anthropologically. But understandable from the point of view of the spirit world, where there are no such boundaries as for a person. For example, there is an interesting and quite working theory that the poses of people and non-people depicted on figurines and rock paintings around the world are not accidental, but ritual conscious. Using these poses in his shamanic practice, an experienced researcher enters into the same states as an ancient ancestor. Gets almost the same experience. If it acts correctly. For me, this proves once again that everything has one root.
As for Wicca, we can say that this tradition of mysteries and mysteries gives a person the keys to the knowledge of the Universe through harmony with Nature and oneself, the positive use of witchcraft as a spiritual gift of the Gods and the Great Mother.
Despite its mystery and depth, at the same time, Wicca is quite modern and social. Wiccans are often interested in science and modern topics that are important to society, although everyone treats them differently.
Wicca is a fusion of magical, spiritual, philosophical and social aspects. If you remove more than one of these aspects from it, it becomes not quite Wicca. Although different Wiccans have these aspects in different ratios and proportions, and are filled in different ways. But when comprehending the mystical, one must not forget to stand firmly on one's feet.
Every fairly old and developed tradition, including such as Wicca, has external and internal layers. Social and mystical. It's like both hemispheres of the brain acting in balance.
The external ones here are those that consider the witch through the prism of social, psychological, academic and other everyday topics of human society. This is not bad, of course, but unfortunately, too often it is limited only to solving some eternal problems of people interacting with each other, the eternal inability of people to establish a dialogue with each other. Although it can complement the inner horizons, making them more practical in life.
The inner here is that the practice of magic and mysticism as a wanderer of the Spirit, cognizing the Universe, walking along the borders of the worlds of people and spirits. And this is not a household application of magic, this is magic as a science, magic as knowledge and wisdom. Even the very definition of magic and science together is quite old. Many famous ancient philosophers, scientists and thinkers were often magicians and theurgists.
Wiccan Art includes many things, trends and cults. It is a harmonious interweaving of a single canvas made of threads of the fabric of realities, threads of fate. And for different people it plays with several different shades. Someone is more academically occult, someone is shaman-witchy, and someone is socio-psychologically. Priestly facets can manifest themselves in any of these shades. If we talk about the shaman-witch approach of our tradition, there are also different small shades of this direction for all of us. Witchcraft, shamanism and other related topics (for example, such as druidism, galdr or seid) can be intertwined in different proportions, depending on a person's preferences. My personal path, at the moment, I would compare more with the priesthood and theurgy, with the artful interweaving of witchcraft and shamanism (probably more urban and Celtic directions).
It is worth remembering that the tradition of the witchy and shamanic Old Craft of the Wise (in all facets and types of its own) is in itself ancient and continuous. If a person considers it a novelty, interrupted, and so on, he simply desacalizes it. Many cultures and cults have stories about ancient proto-religion, although everyone sees it in their own way. The gods are primordial and unimaginably old, they live not only in the very fabric of existence, but also in people living Their myths since the dawn of mankind. At the deep levels of the Craft, the witch directly interacts with spirits, ancestors (not only or not so much ancestral as with ancestors along the paths of the Craft itself) and Gods. This makes him the heir to an endless line of succession and power. If a person is ready for it and will be able to correctly disclose.
Of course, this does not mean that a practitioner is not a social person who is interested only in magical and spiritual things. Pagans are often very modern people. The witch is also a part of society, just more than purely human, including all Nature and Spirits. It is not necessary to limit oneself to purely human affairs and problems in the knowledge and study of the boundless depth and power of the existence of magic. It is not worth raising your gaze to the great Starry Sky, at least sometimes tearing off its fuss and other people's problems. But it's not worth going too far away from the solid world with your thoughts, otherwise you can lose your grounding and adequacy of thought.
It is worth turning to the Starry Heavens in the magical plan if you feel confident enough in the Middle World. Grounded and strong in consciousness.
By itself, the path of Ancient Art is a path in Eternity, a spiral dance of the spirit together with the Universe. Wicca is unity with Mother Nature, it is the whisper of the forest, the whisper of fields and meadows, it is the rustle of the Silver Wind blowing among the Stars. This is a bright morning kiss of the rising Sun and a gentle evening kiss of the Moon. It's a wink with the Stars. When the very walk through the forest becomes a rite. A witch's dance in time. Harmony with the universe, breathing with Its rhythms, singing with Its voice. Healing the World. This is a wonderful inspiration, delight and thrill of the Soul. This is unity with Spirits and knowledge directly from Them. This is the knowledge of the Great Spirits, the Spirits of Nature and the Stars, which they have always directly given to witches. Every good witch, who in her heart wants to embark on the path of the Craft of the Wise, is already initiated by the Gods and Spirits. And Nature itself is our Temple. This is the love of the Ancient Gods. This is the way of the Great Spirit.
Wicca is a path from incredible antiquity to an endless future. This is the voice of the Starry Heavens. This is a Gift From the Mother of the Universe. The Ancient Art of the Wise.
Viktor Aradia.
Living Witchcraft, a deep path of power and wisdom.
Wicca is one of the most ancient and at the same time the most modern mystical traditions. It is ancient with its roots in Neolithic cults and its Gods. It is modern in that new currents are constantly emerging, texts are being written and new mysteries are being discovered, theology is developing and ethics is being improved, rituals are being created and witches turn to the Gods in various forms. Wicca is where traditions serve people, not people serve traditions. At least for most Wiccans. Wicca is progressive due to the metacultural approach and the subtle unity of all pantheons, due to the freedom of the spirit. Like a Great Mother who covers almost everything with her wings. Except what was created by human malice and greed, until it is cleansed and healed. Wicca is metamorphic, adaptable to almost any culture and tradition (if there is agreement with the Creed). Wicca sees everything in the universe alive and spiritualized. And the spirits of everything are connected with each other, as well as with the World Soul. The faces and forms of which are innumerable. This helps witches to realize and receive the heritage of not one culture or tradition, but a universal spiritual heritage, the unity of uniqueness.
Some Wiccans or practitioners of other traditions sometimes say that they have difficulty comprehending the depth of Wicca, learning and practicing deep levels of Art. That having studied everything at easy levels and basics, they do not know what to do next. And that's why they sometimes superficially think of Wicca as "simple magic for beginners." For me personally, this is strange and not very clear. There is incredible depth and power in Wicca, but it is not easy to achieve. It is necessary to spend time on thoughtful study and practice, to understand and comprehend many symbolic keys from the world of living and primordial witchcraft. The Goddess, as I myself feel, has always harmoniously translated me from level to level (although this word is rather conditional here, remember this) and I have always tried to trust Her. Something came by itself, something through experienced friends and fellow witches who came at the right time. Perhaps, of course, the thing is that initially I was a medium and felt the spirit world. My first mediumistic experiences, spontaneous at that time, were at a very young age. This left its "strangeness" imprints, but my problem was rather different. After a long dark path of chaos and voidness in the Far East, the Goddess blocked my power and full-fledged vision for a while. Not because of the "sinfulness" of these occupations, although they are, of course, often destructive to a person in many ways, are not literate in practice and many types are meaningless for the development of the spirit. And because of the fact that "I went too far and saw too much," plus, sometimes doing not very safe practices. Now I understand that this was an important segment of the path that taught me a lot and gave me experience, allowed me to become stronger and wiser. He left something that cannot be expressed in words. But after returning (which did not happen easily and quickly) to natural witchcraft and heavenly types of shamanism, later transformed into priesthood (pagan theurgy), over time, vision and power began to return. I say returns because it can be expressed in one of the old Wiccan formulas: "a witch once is a witch forever." Which means witchcraft is the path of many lives. And the desire for the Celestial spheres (Stellar, Cosmic) is the essence of any soul, simply realized over time.
Comprehending the old Wiccan witchcraft in its various forms, the original power of natural magic and celestial (associated with the Upper World, first of all) forms of shamanism, and later the priesthood - you clearly see that their depth and limits extend to infinity. People in all parts of the world have left an untold amount of occult and philosophical heritage for all time, it is impossible to study everything even if you pick and choose what is close and what is not. The flow of the power and wisdom of the Eternal Mother can be comprehended endlessly, and infinitely carried out in applied forms of Craft (both for oneself and for others). The knowledge of the Gods, the Universe, and even oneself is infinite. By studying similar and related areas of pagan magic, such as Northern Runic or Celtic shamanism, Stregeria, Fairy tradition, Hecateana, and so on, I was able to harmoniously integrate them into my system of Wiccan witchcraft. It was already ready for integration, even more, it was already one with each other. "If it is not in you, you will not find it somewhere else," as the wise "Testament of the Goddess" says. You just need to look from the position of a mystic and a practitioner, in my opinion. And if it turns out to do it competently and harmoniously, you see the flow of infinite knowledge of the Mother of the Universe from new facets. This crystal has an infinite number of facets, it is always interesting to discover new ones. So I don't quite understand when people think they don't know where to go next. But for those who really have it or who want to move even further in knowledge, to whom it resonates in the heart - for those, this book is a Star Craft. It is only worth remembering that many aspects of the practices of the traditions of Star Witchcraft and Star Hecate require knowledge of the basics of witchcraft and skills of clairvoyance, clairvoyance. I will try to describe how to develop them.
Witchcraft is not a human religious-occult dry construct - words written in books (even if grimoires). Sometimes, in the social part, Witchcraft (the one that Wicca) can lose its depth behind some social ideas. But if you are not afraid to go further, behind these rows of dry data there will be a whole living world containing deep forests, endless steppes, high mountains and eternal sky. That which is the essence of spiritual and magical life. The balance of spiritual, magical and everyday life, the unity of everything. You just need not be afraid to leave the stuffy city full of dusty ego ambitions - the city of your consciousness - into a living world full of life and magic.
Of course, there is no need to strive to be cut off from society by a strange type, in modern times witchcraft is quite social (standing firmly on your feet is also important). But not only and not so much socially. These are not texts and doctrines (which only form the basis), but practices and cognition. The practice of improving life, developing the mind and improving the spirit. When a witch is the one or the one who really Knows. And it doesn't matter how fashionable clothes he or she is wearing and how beautiful words he or she speaks.
It is not just a set of beliefs and views (each person has his own), it is a full and deep life. Interaction with the world both through a social institution (of course, Wicca has certain boundaries and canons, after all) and through its gift.
Even living in a city, it is a search and finding within yourself living forests and meadows, high mountains and deep caves, boundless skies. It is a dance of the spirit embodied on Earth under the eternal Starry sky. Witchcraft and shamanism as living with the world and improving oneself in the world, priesthood as living with the Gods and knowing oneself in the universe.
Many researchers and seekers, theosophists and theologians, practitioners and thinkers have written about the Mother of the World - the Mother of the Universe. The spirit of its cognition by people permeates the entire history of mankind. Since the dawn of the epochs, people have fixed their eyes to the Starry sky and felt the rhythms of life of the living Earth around them. Traces of the cult of the Mother of the World can be found in almost all cultures and cults. This is a secret knowledge hidden from the superficial profane eye. Knowledge that opens up to an inquisitive mind and an inspired researcher. Aspiring to know.
It is not so important whether parts of this knowledge and paths in different currents and traditions are seeds sown by the Mother herself for seeking souls striving for Infinity, or whether they are fragments of the once unified cult of the Great Mother. For an inspired spirit and an open mind, this is one, because the desire for enlightenment is above all. The flame of Her Spirit ignites hearts and minds, creating poets, bards and mystics. The mother of spirits and souls, the Great Spirit that incarnates everywhere in matter. A unity that contains everything and knows itself through its incarnate children, manifested Gods, earthly elements and everything else.
Viktor Aradia.
Notes on an Old Craft.
About the philosophy and mysticism of pagan witchcraft and shamanism. In the mythopoetic style.
Theology, mythology and theory of the Old Craft — The Art of the Wise. The Divine, the Way, and magic in Wiccan Witchcraft.
Theology - Divine.
The Great Mother of the Universe is the source and basis of everything, the very essence of the universe. Absolute, the One, Unnamed, Dryghtyn, Cuacoralina, the source of everything. The Goddess and God are Her manifestations and manifestations to living beings. In some witchcraft traditions, God is equal to the Goddess. In some cases, Her role is a little bigger. But They always remain one with each other, in each other. They are not separable from each other and it is impossible to say where the line clearly runs between Them, They are One. She is Him, and He is Her. Everyone chooses only what is closer to him. They also generate countless Spirits, Gods, and so on. In their high forms, many Gods are faces (hypostases) Goddesses and God. The very concept of the Mother of the Universe is metaphysical and spiritual, androgynous and beyond hollow, beyond human, cosmic. Therefore, It is one in both women and men, in animals, plants, stones, spirits, and so on. She is the World Soul and the Great Spirit, the Universe itself, Emptiness and Matter, Time and Timelessness, Starlight and Interstellar Darkness, God and Goddess. Everyone sees It in their own way. The conscious spiritual connection of each being (incarnate or not) with the Goddess and God (in any of Their forms), and the World Soul, depends on the degree of awareness and development of consciousness of the being itself.
Mythology - Way.
If we compare natural Wiccan witchcraft with the World Tree, then its roots will be in the infinite past, and its branches in the eternal future. There are a great many branches of it, with a very different history. The origin of Wiccan witchcraft and shamanism in the ancient Neolithic cults of the Great Mother, which existed in one form or another, probably in many parts of the Earth. And one of the most famous examples here is Old Europe. They represent different faces and images of the one Mother of the Universe. They are quite harmoniously combined with other cults and traditions of various Spirits and Gods. Over time, they went through the stages of fragmentation, transformation, distortion, demonization, renewal, reorganization, and so on. In modern times, they merge together again. In what can be called Wicca. Despite all its variety of variations, approaches to theurgy and magic, paradigms of thinking of practitioners, and so on. Although this is a complex process, which is influenced by the human factor in the form of conflicts of figures of different traditions (currents, orders, etc.) with each other. But the worlds of Spirits and Gods are really much more connected with each other than it sometimes seems to people separated from each other by many different conventions.
Theory - Magic.
The magic of natural witchcraft and Wiccan shamanism is primordial, it is primarily based on the energies of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. The power of the elements, the harmony of Earth and Heaven. The search for harmony of the human personality and the Divine Spirit. At the same time, the search for oneself in the universe and the desire for a joyful life here and now. Magic as an opportunity to improve your life, but with a desire for development and connection with everything that exists. The connection of every pagan witch or shaman with natural and heavenly Gods, Spirits. The ability to perceive other worlds, interact with them. Spirituality, manifested both in cognition and in applied form. These kinds of magic were before all kinds of magical-spiritual paths. From them later arose the priesthood (theurgy, which was originally completely pagan). With the development of human thought, they were also transformed, supplemented, distorted, demonized, updated and merged together again. And despite all kinds of demonized magic, it has always been and will always be. After all, by attuning to the rhythms of the Wheel of the Year, the currents of the Earth and Heaven, the inspiration of the Divine — we can draw our strength and live in harmony.
Viktor Aradia.
Fundamentals of the modern approach.
The Craft of the Wise is inexpressibly old and multifaceted, it is the common spiritual and mystical heritage of all mankind and the Spirits associated with it. There are many images and keys: witchcraft, shamanism, druidism and so on - the essence is the same.
Shamanism can be ethnic (or national), urban (or international), Wiccan, and so on. Witchcraft can be traditional (or rustic), ceremonial (or orthodox/orthopraxic), pagan (natural), Wiccan, and so on. There may be a focus on different worlds and streams (Upper-World, Middle-world, Lower-world). It can be manifested through a different worldview, the level of perception or the depth of knowledge. But one way or another it is one, but it is very diverse. The legacy of the eternal union of humanity and the spirit world, it is as old as time itself. It is international and universal, it just has a lot of keys and approaches. It merges together in Wicca, in our understanding of it - Stellar Witchcraft. And sometimes it is supplemented with the image of Hecate - the Stellar Hekateane. This is the eternal shamanic-witchy Old Art of the Wise, the path of the personal priesthood of the Great Mother of the Universe in Her various faces. The path of love of the soul of a being to the Universal Soul, the path of wandering and knowledge long into Eternity.
The tradition of all the diverse paganism (witchcraft, shamanism) is not extinguished coals, it is a living fire. This fire is as old as the lights of the first stars and as young as a newly lit match. He is eternal and many-sided. Like the spirit world itself, from which people have been drawing wisdom from time immemorial. Tradition (Wicca, natural witchcraft, shamanism, druidism, etc.) is not just applied art and how to make your life better. And even more so, it's not easy to become cooler and richer. Not the dogmatism of traditionalism or consumer magic outside the context of the spirit that extremes. Tradition is the transmission of wisdom and the desire for knowledge, enlightenment and development, harmony with the universe. From Gods, ancestors and spirits to people. The balance between the worlds of people and spirits. A look into Eternity. The soul's infatuation with the World Soul. In its literate aspect, tradition gives roots for communication with the Earth and leaves for the freedom of flight into the Sky. The power of the Earth and the inspiration of the Starry Heavens. Coven, community or solitary is everyone's choice. But it is possible to engage in magical and spiritual practice without any order or organization. After all, they often have a lot of dogmas and hierarchies. A really friendly and cozy circle is not often found.
The pagan Craft of the Wise dates back to the times of animism, the first spirituality of all mankind. Theology, philosophy, practice — the art of living in harmony with the World. An art that has been studied for many years and lifetimes.
Wicca, like Witchcraft and Shamanism in general, very often relies on eclectic and syncretic approaches. But the question is that for competent magic, eclecticism must be wise and thoughtful. Eclecticism itself is probably the most common type of magic and paganism. At the same time, it is quite historical, in ancient cultures there were often mixing and flowing of some images into others. The ways of Witchcraft are based, in many ways, on personal feelings and personal search for an approach to the Divine, their transitions between the worlds of people and spirits. But it is important that it is done correctly, and not at random. For the greatest balance, the magical-spiritual approach of the pagan natural witch can be based on the following important points: personal strength and personal development; the search for harmony with the world; the power of the elements; the forces of the Sun, Moon and Earth; harmony between Earth and Sky, Day and Night. Each of these points is important. Having found your own balance and approach in this, your eclecticism will not just be a shapeless set of disparate moments, but more assembled into a personal structure.
It is important to remember that when you take a particular rite, technique or conspiracy from the Internet or other people's books, you need to understand what it brings with it. On what rules and energies it was built, with what forces it worked, what keys it used, and so on. Some things can be quite easy to adapt (for example, views on the Gods). Some are already more complicated and a more subtle approach is needed (for example, details of local spirit worlds). And some cannot be mixed (for example, specific keys to practice, local forces or specific flows). Sometimes it will be better to think carefully and separate, sometimes you can combine. Over time, you will understand what and how. The main thing is not to rush and be thoughtful. Sort out the details. And then see what integrates well and what doesn't. Wicca is almost universal, excluding some points (for example, non-ethical currents, destructive and demonized traditions, etc.). But any approach should be wise and competent. Then he will bring inspiration and strength. For the good.
Sometimes people ask me what our tradition is for me (and our circle) - Stellar Witchcraft, and why not take something "already ready and developed". The question is simple and complex at the same time. Star Witchcraft is an opportunity to give something new to the world, to bring something good into the Craft of the Wise (witchcraft, shamanism) and cult (or occult) itself) Great Mother, and interested people. Discover and strive for knowledge. Development, support and inspiration. Wings of the soul. Another bridge between the worlds of spirits and people (or perhaps the development of existing ones, some Gods will say for sure), for seekers. The High priesthood as it is, on the paths of the Mother of the Universe. But this is not just a new tradition in itself. Like some others (for example: the tradition of Fairy witchcraft, some types of Wicca, etc.), it originates in the spirit world and the Upper World, as well as the ancient culture of the Great Mother. Of course, it is easier to follow completely "beaten paths", but when have practitioners and mystics who want to study the Art of the Wise in depth walked like this?) Based on the solid foundation of the old witchcraft and shamanism, we continue its inspiring development. Standing firmly on the Ground, we direct the gaze of the spirit to Heaven. As in the ancient mysteries: "I am a child of the Earth and the Starry Sky, but my family is only from Heaven." The witchcraft of the paths of the Starry spheres, manifested on Earth.
The basics of theory, theology and the basics of the practice of tradition are in our groups or on the website (https://spiritofgoddess.wixsite.com/spirit/contact-us). Although the most complete excursion into both tradition and natural witchcraft in general will be in my book. According to the material, it is almost ready, but there remains a lot of work on editing, proofreading, and so on.
Peace and wisdom.
Viktor Aradia.
The Precepts of Witchcraft.
Knowing the ways of the World Soul.
Witchcraft (Ancient Craft) old. It dates back to the days of primitive animism. He has many different currents and everyone sees him purely in his own way. It is international and diverse. There are no absolute dogmas in it. But it is possible to single out what can be conditionally called the Precepts of Witchcraft.
1) Respect the Great Craft of the Wise – the ancient way of cognition and development, comprehension of oneself and the Universe, pagan theurgy, shamanic and witchy Art.
2) Do not harm your own. All witches of the Craft of the Wise are brothers and sisters to each other, children of the one and many-faced Great Mother. You may disagree with your brother (sister) in something, but try not to go against him (her). Although you can quite defend yourself from those who do not know the honor of the Wise, forgot about the spirit and attacks you, behaves aggressively and cruelly. The main thing in retribution is to act wisely and wisely.
3) Strive for self-development. The path of self-development of the spirit, mind and body is endless. It leads to Heaven. Avoid only harmful and negative currents on it, they can harm both you and others.
4) Love is sacred. All Love is holy if it is done without violence. Violence is unacceptable, because every soul is a spark of the Divine Spirit. Although self-defense is also a sacred right.
5) Respect Nature and the Spirit world. It is a Source of Strength and Wisdom. The practices of the Craft of the Wise (Witchcraft, Shamanism — it is one) go back to Natural and Heavenly Spirits, Powers and Gods. Earth and Sky. Don't demonize or distort it.
6) Honor your close Spirits and beware of malicious ones. Not everything in Nature is safe. But everything has the right to life. Living in the rhythms of harmony with Spirits and Nature, you can draw your strength from the Universe itself.
7) Remember, the basis of any magic in the first place is spirituality. The basis of spirituality is peacefulness.
This is the path of Strength and Wisdom. Striving for it is steps along this path.
Be blessed.
Unfortunately, not all kinds of ways of shamanic-witchcraft have retained their desire for knowledge, wisdom and harmony with the World. Many have been distorted and demonized, be careful and thoughtful. Peace and Wisdom.
Viktor Aradia, Wiccan High Priest.
The basic rules of witchcraft.
When doing witchcraft, remember the following important things and advices.
— The craft of the Wise is the oldest way of knowing oneself and the Universe, interacting with the Universe.
— The gift is the hands of your soul; be wise and follow the ways of the Great Spirit (World Soul).
- Remember that many, but not all rituals, you can adapt to yourself. It's worth doing this when you are already a more or less experienced witch and know what's what.
- Study the theory carefully before you start practicing. Don't do anything thoughtlessly and at random, having barely found any practice. Not knowing the ford, as they say. Be careful.
- Remember that the ritual alone is not a guarantee that everything will be the way you want. The ritual helps to increase the possibilities of the desired, but it is necessary to apply some "material" efforts. Don't sit still.
- Do not invite any forces without taking care of protecting (both your personal and space) — it may not be safe. Do not call anyone if you do not know how to safely complete the practice and close all the "doors" afterwards.
- Before embarking on complex practices, engage in the development of your energy. The more developed your energy, the more energy you can direct to the realization of the purpose of your witchcraft. But at the same time, it is also not very deliberate to act only on personal strength; learn to work at least with the energies of the Sun, Moon and Earth.
— Carefully study your reactions to certain practices, be attentive to yourself. Don't be paranoid, but also don't do "at random".
- Before addressing any Gods or spirits, study well the generally accepted views on them. But remember that each practitioner sees Them in his own way — nothing can limit you in perceiving Them. The faces of the Infinite are plural.
- Respect your helper spirits and Patron Gods, if there are any. Do not forget them, try to make offerings and practice with Them — this, like nothing else, strengthens the connection.
— Be careful in any practices with spirits. It is not worth starting deep work with Spirits and Gods (for example, invocations) if you have little experience of practical witchcraft (not how many years you have been in Wicca ... just hanging out, namely applied magic).
- After "otherworldly" practices, practices with spirits and astral travel, get grounded, clean yourself and your room! And don't forget about protection.
- Never "feed" anyone with your life force. This is extremely unreasonable and always has negative consequences. Also try not to confuse Gods, various spirits and helper spirits with astral parasites-deceivers.
- Don't forget about meditations; this is one of the basics of magical practice. They can be very diverse.
- Do not forget about the prayers and thanks to the Great Mother/Great Spirit, natural and heavenly spirits or other forces to which you turn.
- Live in sync with natural vibrations, forces and currents: the Sun, Moon and Earth, Heavenly and Earthly spirits. Do not call destructive and black forces into your life - it is reckless and dangerous.
- Do not forget about your body, physical exercises. Love your body. The body is a temple, a receptacle of the Divine, born of Mother Earth and preserved by Heaven. Plus it helps in grounding and overall development.
— Do not forget about your mind — strengthening the psyche, healing psychotrauma, developing imagination, etc. This will help you to be stronger — in magic a lot depends on consciousness. From grounding to forces that you can work with competently and safely. Consciousness is a lens through which the light of the Source passes and is refracted (speaking abstractly). A lot depends on it in the Craft, interaction with the World and the interaction of the World with you. But be careful and wise, take your time and act thoughtfully.
- Do not forget about self-development in general; without it, everything is meaningless.
- Do not engage in practices that seem unreliable and suspicious to you - do not take risks in vain.
- Be careful with other people's magical egregors, especially with egregors of closed occult structures. You don't know how easy or difficult it can be to get out of there, in all plans.
- Before you become a witch (magician, shaman, druid), you need to learn how to be Human. Adequate, conscious and harmonious.
- Do not aggravate karma with malicious actions — everything comes back! A person shapes his own subsequent lives and this life; be wise and well-directed.
— Try to avoid black magic and demonized practices and appeals to Gods or spirits. Pagan witchcraft is free from this, like the Earth and the Sky, the elements and the stars themselves.
- Energy is absolute in its original form, it has no color and gender. They are "endowed" by people for their convenience. The difference is only in the manifestations of energies and their interpretation by consciousness.
— Witchcraft is everywhere if you are in balance with the World. Where an orthodox practitioner needs mandatory conditions and attributes, a competent sorcerer can do everything under almost any conditions. If you are experienced enough. Although, sometimes special conditions are really important.
- You are free to defend yourself from someone else's aggression. But not thoughtlessly and selfishly. Try to minimize the damage you cause, if possible. Self—defense is not an excuse for cruelty. But the witch's self—defense is quite consistent with the Credo and has every right to be.
- Respect your magic items — your assistants in the Craft. They also fulfill their spiritual mission together with you.
- Periodically, the protection should be updated, because over time it tends to "wear out" and thin out.
- Don't be afraid to be yourself, don't follow "authorities" and "dogmas". Witchcraft is a creative way. Just be careful and careful. But this does not mean disrespect for the wiser (namely the wise, not just the strong).
— There are a great many different views on Craft and magic in general. Do not be surprised at the difference of views among different practitioners, even within the framework of any one tradition.
— Faith (not as a religion, but a Stream) this is the heart, the path itself. And magic is the mind, the steps along the path and its manifestations in life. In fusion and harmony, they generate a balance of Spirit.
— Craft (witchcraft, shamanism) is adaptable and multivariate. You can combine different elements in your practice if it is harmoniously combined for you and it is normal in your picture of the world. And if your main thread allows it (if you have one). Even threads can sometimes be combined with each other if they are combinable, and you are a master and able to do it. But before you do this, gain experience and do it deliberately.
— The essence and structure of the magical powers and practices with which you work can change not only from consciousness and perception (i.e. personality), but also from streams, myths (with which you work and live in), spirits, Gods, terrain features, your karma, astrological factors, geopolitical or geological events, and many other things. Do not be afraid of this and do not be paranoid, checking everything to perfectionism, but increase your level of education.
— Do not forget to check yourself sometimes and soberly evaluate your actions. To "file" the crown of magical conceit, because it can greatly distort perception.
— Do not forget about grounding - it will help you to keep yourself "here and now". Also, do not neglect socialization, so as not to make unnecessary enemies for yourself (including in society). And to know where more or less the "wind blows" in the life of society. Try to think about everything you do (both in magic and in general).
- Strive for Heaven, because if you follow the paths of a good and blessed Craft, then your soul spreads its wings and soars...
— The Great Spirit / The Source of Everything/The Universal Soul is Perfect love and Perfect trust. So it was in the old witch's testament.
Be sensible, careful and attentive.
And be blessed. For the good!
Viktor Aradia.
These articles may have become a little outdated and will gradually be updated a little.
The Old Religion. The Craft of the Wise.
Spiritual path of self-knowledge and self-development. Wicca is the survived ancient tradition and the way of natural witchcraft, mergence with the World, self-acknowledgement and the Universe, unity with the Great Mother and spiritual evolution. Wicca is life in harmony with the Universe. It is life in union with Mother Nature. It's a dance with the Stars. Wicca is a fusion with the Divine. It's the whisper of Universe Mother. It is the spark of a Great spirit in every Soul. Wicca is a unity with Mother Nature, it is a whisper of the forest, a whisper of fields and meadows, it is a rustle of the Silver Wind blowing among the Stars. It is a bright mourning kiss of the rising Sun and a gentle evening kiss of the Moon. It's twinkling with the Stars. It's when every walk in woods becomes a ritual. A witch's dance in time. A harmony with the Universe, a breath with its rhythms, singing with its voice. Healing of the World. This is a great inspiration, delight and thrill of the Soul. It is a unity with the Spirits and a knowledge coming directly from Them. It's a knowledge of Great Spirits, Spirits of Nature and Stars, which They always directly give to witches. Every good witch wishing in the heart to embark on the path of the Ancient Craft of the Wise is already dedicated - to the Gods and Spirits. It does not require any more dedications and permissions because all the Nature is our Temple. It's the love of the Ancient Gods. This is the Great Way, the Ancient Way, the Way of the Great Spirit – of striving for the Spirit, unity with the Spirit. Wicca is an ancient and natural spiritual path of witchcraft. It's a shamanism of witches. It's the voice of Celestial Sky. It's a Gift from the Mother Universe.
Victor Aradia, High Priest of “The Spirit of the Goddess” and Stellar Witchcraft.
A brief cosmology. Hierarchy of creation. Stellar Witchcraft.
The universe is infinite. It is the very embodiment of the Great Mother, the Mother of the Universe. The Great Goddess and the Horned God of Nature are the Source of all. All other Goddesses and Gods are the essence of the Faces and the original Embodiment of the Great Goddess and the Horned God. The Great Spirits of the Upper worlds are below? And after Them - the Star Spirits of the great witches, ancestors, etc "infidels". Even the human plan (including the astral and mental plans) of existence is lower. There are people, all natural and planetary spirits, Faery and inhabitants of other adjacent worlds. They are all equal to each other and a single before the Mother of the Universe, they may be "simple"spirits of the subject or the human spirit, but they all are Her children. And they all are one with each other and the whole Universe.
Even the spirits (not necessarily evil, by the way) the Lower world are the lowest, the spirits of people with karma full of negative , of inferior essence, and so This plan is also quite extensive. Conditionally (conditionally!) this can be called " the underside of the world."
Egregors and all like them are on the human, planetary plane of existence.
The Elements originate in the Upper spheres, in the Source, and descend to the lower planes, gradually dividing into four basic Elements (Earth, Water, Air, Fire) and, in fact, forming a physical plane of existence.
Upper world unites all the worlds . It is a top face of the Universe. It includes the land of Eternal Summer. But each world has its own Lower world.
Victor Aradia.
An article from the cosmology section of Stellar Witchcraft.
General ritualistic the Way of the Star of Witchcraft.
Stellar Witchcraft can be called the unity of natural witchcraft and heavenly shamanism. Therefore, rituals are appropriate. There is no clear ceremonial system of rituals on this Way. There is only freedom of spirit and creativity, intuition, insights. Rituals can be based on a personal energy of witches, on an attracted energy of Deities or spirits, on a Stellar flow. The only rule is consistent with the General wiccan Credo:"Do what you want, if you harm none." This means that you can do any rites if they are not directed against other people, to a detriment of them and as well as not to the detriment of yoursef.
It is worth mentioning that you can defend yourself, the main thing that it really was protection. It can be binding and defensive spells, the spell of retribution (via the Gods), the protection of the spirits, etc. But never "black" destructive magic, demonic magic or necromage.
Try also avoid work with egregors (and their derivatives in the form of rituals and symbols) of closed hierarchical structures or those, in which there are too much "black" magic (or akin to such) because the payment can be too great (it will be there necessarily, and sometimes it is your freedom).
Witches of the Way of the Stellar Witchcraft can use any obselecense rituals or any other rituals are natural ways that are harmonious with Heavenly energy in our Flow and do not carry a "black" low vibrations of negative energy.
I also suggest for beginners, if you found some strange, unknown rituals or symbols, not to use them, it can be dangerous.And never do any practices rashly, be cautious. Take into account your personal characteristics (fears, complexes, personal energy resource, various traumatic past experiences in magic, etc.), be careful.
For those ones who are interested in practices written specifically by witches and priests of Stellar Witchcraft I strongly advise to read the basics of theology of the Way. It is necessary for understanding the essence of the Stellar flow on which most of these practices were written. Especially examine articles related to cosmogony tradition, the Pantheon, the precepts Flow and manifest of the Way.
Victor Aradia.
Stellar Witchcraft. The myth of the Creation and Earth.
Her reflection was the face of the infinitely beautiful Mother in the Primeval Depths. When She looked up and knew Herself, She was filled with desire and love which set in motion the flows of primordial energy. Driven by an inspired creation, the Goddess floated where the sky was born under Her feet.
She drew the esters of Depth and created from them worlds, celestial spheres, planets and stars. Thus the Earth was born in the sacred Dance of Life.
Filled with blessing, shining Goddess gave to the Earth the firmament gradually easing unbridled primal energy with Her moist breath. So there was a tangible, physical substance that became a vessel of Her power. The water of Life, which encircles the firmament, is divided into its constituent elements: fire, air and water, which are the fruit of the Divine Mother on a par with the Earth. The same part of the Earth that preserved the original essence of the ether became the heavens – the spiritual shell of the planet.
The voice of Her love poured out brilliant light spirits rushing to the awakening worlds. Those who came down to Earth took on a material form and became the first living beings to hear Her voice in our world. Having endowed earthly life with the presence of Her spirit, the Goddess rose again to the star spheres blessing the fruits of Her infinite feeling.
"It all began in love; all longs to return to it."Starhawk, “The Spiral Dance”.
Centuries later, we again rush to Her on the wings of our own Soul. The soul that knows all that is in the infinite Dance of Life. The soul that remembers the true love that gave birth to the world that became our home. Open yourself to this beautiful feeling.
Svetlana K.
An article from the cosmology section of Stellar Witchcraft.
Reminder for a witch of the Stellar Witchcraft.
- Clean, train and strengthen the mind. As more stronger your mind, as more more powerful energy you can control and as more stronger your protection.
- Meditate. Meditation is the basis of everything. From simple (harmonization) up to merging with the Goddess, travellings to the Upper worlds, fulling of energy and much more.
- Go to Nature. Communication with Nature can give a lot.
- Celebrate Sabbaths (the cycles of the Earth and the Sun) and Esbats (the cycles of the moon). These days forces fill you with energy, connect you with global energy flows.
- Remember that all of the necessary knowledge and skills you already have in your soul. Open them up.
- Remember that the soul is the essence of the spark of the Great Spirit (Great Mother), a winged divinity. Meditation on this can give a lot.
- Be very careful with initiations, introductions and connections anywhere: in different people's energy structures, egregors, etc., especially with a hierarchical pyramidal system (sometimes you need to look closely to see it), even if it looks "interesting and close". Remember that you can easily not tell. And going (energetically) from these structures, organizations, movements and egregores is never that simple. Carefully learn about the possible way out of such organizations, orders and ways. Whether it will be "forward feet". Do not devote yourself to closed orders or traditions just to "try": sometimes the entrance fee is too high (and often, unspoken), and sometimes – quite a your freedom, strength, energy or something else. Listen to your heart.
- Remember about sacred freedom of the will. Both yours and the other's. Don't be slaves or servants, keep your honor.
- Remember that good and good deeds improve your karma. Evil and negative aggravate. Strive for good deeds. Do not harm intentionally, for personal selfish purposes. Do not engage in black magic, necromancy, demonic magic, etc. – this is the way to the degradation of the spirit (loss of awareness) and negative karma.
- Learn the Craft of the Wise (Shamanic-Witch Craft) and develop the Gift. This can help you in many ways. The Gift is the hands of the soul.
- Don't forget about the purifications and preventive strengthening of protection (after cleansing should always be followed by the protection). It's always useful.
- Respect and always thank your spirit helpers and guardians. This improves communication with them.
- Do not be afraid to be yourself, don't follow "authorities" and "dogmas". Witchcraft is a creative way. Just be careful.
- Remember: a witch is a bisexual being, she(he) is higher of gender socio-political concepts of public masses. The witch is able to call to life and control any energies of the being, "male" or "female", to change and transform them by the will. It does not depend on restrictions.
- Try to do what you would like to be done with you. Remember the Law of Threefold Return. It's the law of the Universe, the law of all the magic.
- Don't let yourself be offended. The right to self-defense is sacred. But try not to succumb to anger, revenge and hatred. Better ask the Gods for help in protection
- Strive to Heaven, if you go the ways of good and blessed Craft, your soul is winged...
- Remember that the very first spiritual path is a natural good shaman-witch ways of the Ancient Craft. The natural witchcraft, heavenly shamanism. These are the ways of the Great Spirit. Over the centuries and centuries the Craft has been largely distorted, follow the path of the spirit, the Path of the Source.
- Honor the Ancient Gods, the good spirits and the great Mother of the Universe.
- Respect your brothers and sisters along the Way, by Tradition and Flow, respect those who opened the Flow.
Blessed be.
Victor Aradia.
The Pantheon of the Path.
This is not a dogma but a brief guide about the Forces which can help the Witch of the Stellar Witchcraft Path.
First of all, it is, of course, the Great Mother of the Universe. The Star Mother. It is the essence of the entire Universe, the One that gave birth to all things. She is a Great Spirit. Protomateria is the beginning of the whole Metaverse. How you see Her depends only on your vision and worldview. She is everything and everywhere, in everything including yourself. She is the Source of our Tradition, our Flow.
Next, The Star Dragon, the Guardian of the Worlds. He is the Great Guardian, Guardian and Protector of all the Worlds born and created by the Mother of the Universe. He can be as one of the faces of the Horned God. But in general, He is somewhat "separately" because the Horned God, for the most part, is associated with this World, with the Earth. And Star Dragon - with all Worlds, He is between them. We can say that He is "more heavenly" the essence of God, the Husband of the Great Mother, born by Her. He and Star Mother are more heavenly faces of the Goddess and God. And the Triple Goddess and the Horned God are more earthly. Although everyone has a freedom of vision and interpretation.
Slightly "below" are the God and Goddess as the faces of the Great Spirit. In fact They interact with people. They are the Great Triple Goddess and the Horned God. All the Gods are Their faces and incarnations, anyway (except for some created by people "egregorial of the Gods", which include all sorts of "black Gods"*). They can also be anything: they have no restrictions. The Goddess of the Moon or the Goddess of the Sun. The Earth God of Nature and the Heavenly Mother Goddess or Mother Earth and Father Sky. They're always with us. They help and instruct, protect us. You can always refer to Them.
In addition to the Goddess and God we are helped to direct the Flow and interact with шt, as well as to live and develop in it, the Heaven Spirits. The Star Witches. They are the Great Spirits of the Upper Worlds, the Patrons of the Craft. Just an Ancient Shamanic-Witch Craft in many Worlds apart. They are very wise and powerful. They can guide you along the path, in a blessed and harmonious way, if you listen to their advices. One of the challenges for a witch of the Way working with the Flow is to learn to hear the Star Spirits and to communicate with them. The task of the Priest the Way to help a new one on the Way to learn how to do it, and do it properly (without catching extraneous entities).
The Star Spirits are mostly benevolent, but it is worth remembering that while you are new to the Way (and in the matter of mediumism and priesthood), spirits of other worlds can come to you accidentally or specifically. The universe is infinite, and different spirits in different worlds (including the High) just do not count. You should be careful! Star Spirits can respond to our calls, help and teach, inspire and protect may be more often than Gods. It is necessary to establish contact with them, strengthen communication. Priests can carry and embody Them in various ceremonies if it is necessary. They are in fact direct mentors and "creators " of the Tradition. Since the spirit of the craft began to fade in the world, and the Craft itself – to distort, there was a need to bring it back to the World. So, in fact, and there was a Stellar Witchcraft through the Founder's Way and the main conductor here in this World (the Founder of the Path is Victor Aradia). It is not a new invention, it is as old as the World, for the Old Heaven Spirits that conduct it. It is the Spirit of the Great Craft that comes from the prehistoric shamanic cults of the great Mother, the cults of the first people. Let its outer essence change over time, but the Spirit is still the same heavenly Spirit. Also, the Tradition of Stellar Witchcraft is not unique in its essence, there are many other similar (at least externally) "Star" Traditions.
This is due to the fact that there are many different people, winged souls, that were the inhabitants of the Upper worlds in their past lifes. They come here for various reasons, and some of them may be the founders of various Heaven Traditions and practices. They can contribute to the revival of the spirit of the craft. The differences are explained by the fact that each person, conducting the Flow in one way or another, brings something of his own to it. Everyone remembers something different, and something does not remember: all have different life experiences and worldview. Circles around them gather on the principle that people are closer to a certain type of Flow or worldview, the proximity of the spirit (these people could know each other in past lives and other worlds). Although on this subject there are certainly those who can use other people's works in their order (it is better to avoid such people). But a wise and experienced Priest of the Way will try to keep the Flow as pure as possible, to teach people in it to directly address The heavenly Spirits.
Also a Witch of the Way can refer to the earth spirits or elemental spirits of Mother Earth and related worlds (if they are supportive). But there should be even more careful, different spirits can make contact with you with my order. Mother Earth Herself, the Spirit of the Earth (Gaia), can also support you because we are all embodied in this World, and therefore Her children.
In general, the Witch of the Path can refer to any of the faces of nature Gods and Spirits, but specifically black and destructive (harmful, inferior things*). But they must be in harmony with the Pantheon of Star Witchcraft and Celestial Spirits. It's a heavenly high-energy Stream, remember that.
Blessed be.
Part of the article is based on old wiccan myths, the spirit of the Ancient Religion. Because the Tradition of Star Witchcraft, in fact, is a direct heir and successor to the craft of the Wise, the path of natural witchcraft, going continuously from the ancient shamanistic cults of the great Mother.
Victor Aradia.
* - By that I mean not dark, the night aspect of the Gods, but the black, destructive, malicious and negative astral entities-parasites, like devils, demons, etc.
An article from the cosmology section of Stellar Witchcraft.
The inner Covenant of the Way.
«The Spirit of the Goddess» is not just a coven, but a whole clan. Especially in the form of a Stellar tradition of Witchcraft. This is the main credo of the Way.
- We follow the path of self-development, spiritual craft.
- We are free, but we are true to each other. The Stellar Witchcraft is a family, all are brothers and sisters, kindred spirits.
"We are free, but we are true to our Path, the Flow of Star Witchcraft, its covenant.
- We will never turn against their (their-hunts and priests, brothers and sisters), never consciously harm them or Flow of path.
That is our oath. In the name of Star Mother.
In perfect love and perfect faith.
Victor Aradia, Founder and High priest of the Way.
Star spirits. The stellar and the earth witch.
Stellar witches (Star spirits) are the Great spirits of the Upper world. Spirits-ancestors and patrons of all the craft (Ancient shamanic-witch craft) in all worlds. They can have many faces and forms. There are different archangels in Western Magic-Theurgy and New-Age, in Siberian-Mongolian shamanism there are tengias and khans. In pagan witchcraft there are different powerful celestial spirits, ascended heroes, rarely high faery, demigods and gods. Sometimes (very rarely) terrestrial the witches can be their incarnations, either one of their faces. These witches are, by their nature, the great priests and priestesses. Their fate is to be in the world any of the Ways of the craft. Their souls are winged. Such witches will be incarnations of the Dharma. Sometimes it can even be seen astrologically or something else (if you look clean and precise). And of course they can be incarnated as great teachers and prophets, the founders of the ways.
The essence of such spirits is multifaceted, they can be called coming before the Great Gods themselves and the Great Spirit (the One Mother of the Universe). They are overseers of the worlds, they are guardians of magic, they are assistants on the ways. I hould say that they are not necessarily in the Upper world, they can fulfill their mission in any of the worlds. Although not all the spirits belong to him, there are countless types and other spirits - spirits of natural, medium, lower, adjacent, or other subtle worlds.
The Star spirits will support not any magic. For thousands of years in the world there were many destructive forces, such as black- and necromagic, power-loving Mago-political orders, a variety of demonology, most of which is based on human fabrications and works within the egregors (ie, not natural, artificial). To support the destructive trends that excluded the originally natural shamanic-Vedic Craft (from which all kinds of magic and Theurgy went) and the peaceful essence of the spirit of the Divine from their way, the Great spirits will not, but will not do anything fully with it, observing the unshakable Covenant of free will (until the Earth itself comes the time of purification). But if you follow the path of natural and heaven witchcraft, if the wind of star infinity blows in your soul, if you are a witch of Stellar craft, you can appeal to them. Great spirits can be your guides, protectors and helpers. Turn to them with respect and reverence, they are merciful and loving, but not for nothing in the ancient shaman epic "Geseriada" described the destructive war between the spirits of the Upper world brought many troubles to the Earth, not for nothing the archangels have swords, and legendary heroes, gods and demigods were quite capable of destruction and rage.
Star spirits are a fusion of the principles of primordial divine Light and Darkness, manifestations of the most stellar infinity. The first children of the Mother of the Universe and those whose souls in their spiritual development have reached this level. In the tradition of Stellar Hecatiane (nursing to the Flow) there are also spirits mostly of Hecate, the World Soul, and manifestations of countless faces Her. Some of them may be related to people, others may not. They can incarnate in humans (quite rarely), fairies or others. They are not the very Source of the great craft but they are those who are at the Source (we can say - the great universal cauldron) and weave from it a canvas of multidimensional reality. Though of course don't confuse them with the earth spirits or the spirits of the subtle worlds of the faery which can also be very powerful. And do not confuse them with the Great Gods, the mother Goddess and the Horned God, the Mother of the Universe and the Star Dragon.
Follow the path of Star craft and blessed be.
Victor Aradia, high priest of the Way.
An article from the cosmology section of Stellar Witchcraft.
The Great Mother of the Universe.
Great Mother of Creation,
Boundless as the starry skies,
Wrap Thy cloak around me,
Bless my Spirit, on my path.
Queen of all, Goddess and Mother,
Stay with me through all my life,
Through all my incarnations,
Within me and in all things around me.
Let Thy Darkness hide me from all Evil,
Let Thy Light illuminate my Path,
Let Thy Love fill me,
And let Love be the Essence of my life.
Teach me to see clearly, how Thou seest everything,
Strengthen my heart and give me courage to live,
Let me know Thy Infinite Eternity,
And let me unite as one with Thee.
Save me from sorrows and misfortunes,
Heal me with Thy kiss,
Let me spread my wings,
To embrace Thee in their vastness.
Clothe my body in Thy power,
Fill my soul with Thy Love,
And my mind with thy Wisdom,
That I may ever praise Thee.
For Thou art the Soul of the World,
United with all souls,
And thou art the Great Spirit,
United with all spirits.
Great Mother of Creation,
Star Mother of everything,
The infinite essence of Eternity,
Glory to Thee and Love, Glory to Thee and Love.
Thy names and images are boundless,
As boundless as Thy Love,
And as Thy eternal protection and guardianship,
Glory to Thee, glory to Thee, glory to Thee.
In the name of the Mother Universe.
Author - Viktor Aradia, tradition of Stellar Witchcraft.
Translated by Julia and Misha.
Call To Aradia.
Hail Aradia, Ancient Queen,
Queen of witches, and of angels,
Traveler through the skies,
The depths, and all the worlds between -
Grand Priestess, reverent and wise.
You whose light shines through the ages
Guide us with your craft and skills
That we, your votaries and mages
Forge the fires of our own wills
Help us spread our star-souled wings
Teach us always how to be
In oneness with the Great Mother who brings us
Wisdom, strength, and harmony
May we be blessed on our journey
Glory to you, Goddess eternal.
Author - Viktor Aradia.
Translated by Misha.
p. s. Aradia - the Great Star Witch, Goddess and daughter of the Great Mother (in one of Her faces), who once came to the world to carry the path of the Old Craft. In different traditions, witches perceive It differently. In Stellar Witchcraft we see Her as one of the Star Spirits and specifically the Star Ladies/Lords (Queens/Kings of Spirits). She can manifest a part of her Spirit (as many Deities and Great Spirits do) in witches and priests, as part of a practice to develop the necessary qualities, help the Spirits, or guide the Path.
Appeal to the Great Mother.
Glory to Thee, Great Mother,
Incarnate Eternity of the Universe,
Queen of Starry Heaven,
Be with me everywhere and in everything,
As the World Soul is united with every souls,
Save and protect me in all ways,
Keep me safe and shelter me in all my worlds and paths,
Lead me to the enlightenment and blessing,
May in all my deeds Thy wisdom be manifested,
Glory to Thee, Eternal One.
Author - Viktor Aradia.
Translated - Julia.